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Is Creatine Safe for Teens?

Is Creatine Safe for Teens?

What is creatine and what is it used for Teens?

Creatine is a naturally occurring compound in the body that plays a role in energy production for muscle contractions. Synthetic forms are available in powder, pill, and energy bar/drink mix formats. 

Research indicates it can enhance short bursts of intense exercise and promote lean muscle mass growth, particularly beneficial for activities like sprinting and powerlifting.

Is it common for teens to use creatine?

According to the 2016 Monitoring the Future Survey, close to 17 percent of 12th-grade males reported using creatine. Creatine is commonly marketed to teen athletes to boost performance when weight training or playing sports and increase muscle mass by encouraging water uptake into muscles.

Is Creatine safe for adolescents and teenagers?

The safety of creatine for adolescents and teenagers is a bit of a mixed bag according to research. Here’s what we know:

Limited Long-Term Studies: Major medical organizations like the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) point out a lack of long-term research on creatine use in teens (1).

Generally Safe for Adults: Short-term studies suggest creatine is generally safe for adults . (1)

Potential Side Effects: Even for adults, creatine use can lead to side effects like muscle cramps, dehydration, and stomach issues.

Overall, due to the limited research on long-term effects, most medical professionals recommend against creatine use for adolescents and teenagers.

Safe Sport Supplements for Teens?

High protein supplements

Gainers and carboproteins

Multivitamins minerals





Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs)

F&Q about creatine supplement for teenagers

What’s the best creatine for a 16 year old?

I can’t recommend any specific creatine for a 16 year old. Here’s why:
Safety Concerns: As discussed earlier, research on creatine use in teenagers is limited, and major medical organizations advise against it due to potential unknown long-term effects.
Talking to a doctor or licensed dietician is the best course of action. They can assess your individual situation and advise on safe strategies for improving athletic performance, which may not involve creatine supplementation.What's the best creatine for a 16 year old?

Is creatine OK to take at 15?

No, although short-term use of creatine is generally considered safe for adults, the American Academy of Pediatrics notes that there’s limited research on its long-term safety for teenagers. Therefore, doctors and most medical societies typically recommend that creatine be used only by athletes who are 18 years old or older.Is creatine OK to take at 15?

How much creatine should I take 16?

Creatine is not recommended for 16 year olds due to safety concerns.  According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, there is not enough research on the long-term effects of creatine use in adolescents.(2)
It is always best to consult with a doctor or licensed dietician before taking any supplements, especially for young people. They can advise on safe ways to improve athletic performance.How much creatine should I take 16?

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